On 23 May 2023, Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) were honored to host Mrs. Katherine Baker, Branch Chief of the Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement in the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM/WRA), Mr. Geary Cox, Senior Analyst of the PMWRA East Asia Pacific, and Mrs. Ashley Barlett, Political-Military Officer and Mr. Nguyen Tien Truong – Political Specialist from the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi, to NPA’s Cluster Munitions Remnant Survey (CMRS) task site located in Quyet Tien village of Nong Truong Viet Trung township, Bo Trach district. This was part of a review of the U.S. assistance to address unexploded ordnance in Quang Binh province.
The delegation was briefed on the methodology of CMRS that NPA is implementing in the province, and how it helps local government in planning and effectively using clearance resources while supporting the socio-economic development plans of the province. Through this visit, the delegation was able to gain a deeper understanding of the sound collaboration among not only Norwegian People's Aid Vietnam MAG Vietnam and PeaceTrees Vietnam - members of the consortium that are implementing an integrated survey and clearance project funded by the U.S. Department of State to address unexploded ordnance in Quang Binh province, but also the local authorities of different levels.
We are grateful for the funding support from PM/WRA, that enables NPA to continue joining our efforts with the local authorities and other stakeholders to address the legacy of war in Quang Binh province, for the safety of the people.
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